Solitary Tree in Walden
The moonrise illuminates a lone tree standing in the hills of Walden, Colorado.
Photo Story
Episode 2: Making my way across Colorado in the North Park area, I stayed the night in Walden, Colorado in an old trapper’s cabin that used a simple latch to hold the door shut, almost. I didn’t sleep much because I spent the night hiking into the hills in search of the stars and the moonrise.
Prior to my midnight hike I asked the land owner if I’d be bothering him coming and going at the very late hours. He responded, “Not at all, but would you like to borrow my pistol?” I was a bit shy about asking why I might need a pistol and he let me know about the various threats to my life I may encounter on my hike, including bear and wolves. Ha! Sounds great, I thought. I can’t wait to go out tonight to take a picture. Nice knowing you all.
I set my alarm for 1:15 a.m. and got up the courage to leave my freezing cabin to risk my life for a photo, unarmed. I hiked a mile and a half into the woods where I had strategically placed a few tree limbs to mark the path where I should turn off and bushwhack up onto a ridge – because that’s what you do in the dark. I found my way up the hill and set up the camera, got my polar alignment and started shooting photos of the 360-degree view. It was worth it.
Then I heard snorting behind me. Something was behind me but it was so dang dark even my flashlight didn’t help. I could see eyes looking back at me, but from what? We stared at each other for a while until it turned its head and I could barely make out the long neck of a deer. Thank God. If she’s hanging around, we’re probably both safe. So I went on shooting. I hope you enjoy this photo that I risked my life to make for you. 🙂
- Canon 5D with 14mm lens
- Sky: one exposure at 22-seconds
- Foreground: one exposure of 52 seconds