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The Crossing of Guffey Bridge

The night sky colors emerging from the beautiful Guffey Bridge near Melba, Idaho.

Photo Story

  • Episode 7: The night sky colors emerging from the beautiful Guffey Bridge near Melba, Idaho.

    The Crossing of Guffey Bridge

I arrived at Celebration Park near Melba, Idaho at midnight and parked my car. As my eyes were still adjusting to the dark, I asked another photographer with a light on his head (we wear headlamps when we’re getting setup) if he knew where the bridge was.  He just pointed straight ahead as though I was blind.  I was. It was pitch black out there.

It takes a long time for your eyes to adjust to the dark and to fully take in the glory that is the night sky.  This image helps bring it to life with a very long exposure.  As I was taking several 70-second exposures of the foreground, a car happened to turn on their lights and perfectly illuminate the bridge for just the right amount of time, allowing the red of the steel to pop.  Thanks to that one car, we get to see this bridge in full color along with the beauty of the stars above.

  • Canon 5D with 14mm lens
  • Sky: Seven stacked, tracked exposures at 45-seconds
  • Foreground: Two 70-second exposures

Day / Night view